We’ll be back | A note from Tif

Dear friends,
One Portrait of Us has been such a beautiful and edifying experience for Us. We hope it has been for you. Our lives have gotten ahead of us and we have been so busy with them, so unfortunately, OPoU has been put on the back burner for now. We will not be gone forever, and when we come back we will have a whole new website, with new posts, new features and we will finally have a coffee table book!
Thank you to everyone who took the time to answer our questions, to be photographed, and to be introduced to the world of readers we have. I am sure it wasn’t always easy for you, but if you impacted even one soul, you’ve helped change the world, and I know you did. I’m certain you did.
Now, if you have responded to questions and you are waiting to be featured, I apologize for the delay in that timing. We PROMISE you will be scheduled as soon as the site is revamped. THANK YOU for doing this for us, your time has not been wasted.
We would like to thank Whitney, Logan, Beau, & Kali for being contributors, and we hope they will come back to us when we have refreshed and renewed ideas.
We have a short survey, feel free to answer any or all questions. As many as possible would benefit us as we work on making sure you get the most out of our site.
Here is the link : We’ll be back survey