Meet Cara.

I have always been overcome by the sheer kindness and beauty that emanated from Cara’s family. They are something special! Several years ago I reconnected with Cara through the magic of Blogger, at the time she was showing her stunning work as a photographer, and gradually her blog turned into a makeup blog, where she would post tutorials of makeovers she had done. Oozing with talent, she became the Allure Beauty Blogger of the year (this recognition was well deserved), and eventually created her own makeup line (a fantastic Highlight and Contour kit) to help all of us ladies bring our inner beauty out. My favorite thing about Cara is that she makes an effort to make sure women recognize their own beauty. She is humble in her achievements, open in her life happenings, and is truly just a stunning woman. I feel fortunate to know her – so read up on her responses and get an inside look on the greatness she truly radiates. If you would like to see all of her work, awesome outfits, and read her thoughts and feel feelings, follow her website Maskcara & her Youtube channel.
Plain and simple, you help women feel beautiful, you help them discover (or rediscover) their beauty through the art of make up, and you help them feel confident about who they are. I know that is more of a statement than a question, but I just want you to tell us about the ability (and talent) you have to do that. To see beauty where it is not often seen, to rescue the confidence and strength of all types of women.
I guess I can’t really take credit for it. I think we are born with certain gifts in life and one that I am most grateful for is my eye for beauty. In women more than anything. Nick is always joking that nothing impresses me because he’s always pointing out cool buildings or gorgeous views and I do think they are cool but he’s right, I don’t really go gaga over them. It’s people that have always been my focus. Beautiful faces, beautiful souls. I think maybe it’s that simple. I genuinely believe that every women is beautiful. Through and through. It’s not an act. It’s not just something to say. It’s true. And when someone truly, sincerely and completely believes something and they share it with you, it’s kind of hard to no catch their passion a bit.
You have always been forthcoming with how you overcome trials, how you have embraced flaws, your faith, and really, so much more. Why is sharing important to you? How has it strengthened you personally?
The saddest times in my life have been the ones that I felt the most lonely. Feeling like I am going through something that no one would understand and no one would care. I guess one of the reasons I share those experiences is to help others feel less alone. To know someone else felt that exact same way and I understand and I care.
When I have opened up though, I think it’s me who benefits the most. The amount of support and kindness that I have received through the years is unbelievable. There is a lot of focus on the people of the internet being mean and hateful but man, I have women taking time out of their busy lives to cheer me on every single day. It’s hard not to want to open up and be real with them:)
You’ve worked very hard to get to where you are today, what are some bits of advice to people who seek making their dreams a reality?
I’ll say this, don’t wait. There were so many times along the way that I waited for someone to figure it out for me or waited for a big lump of cash or waited for my life to get less busy and in every single instance the thing I was waiting for either never happened or ended up not working out. It wasn’t until I just decided to do everything I possibly could do with everything I had right at that moment that I started succeeding. We are so lucky to live in the information age. If you want it go and get it do not wait for anyone to get it for you or get you a latter. You want it more, you’ll do it better anyway.
For those fortunate enough to know your family, they recognize an incredible beauty (sincerely), one that radiates from the inside to the outside (and it’s never loud, it just is. sparkly eyes, huge smiles, and goodness), this is within each one of your siblings, yourself, and most definitely your parents. Where do you think this comes from? How can people find this within themselves?
Wow you are so sweet to say that! We definitely have our bad days too:) I think anything good about us came from our parents. They taught us to love people. I mean we are people people in our family! That came from our parents. They care deeply for others and have shown us to do the same. They both radiate goodness and would do anything for anyone.
What does it mean to truly love another?
I think that if we truly love one another we celebrate others successes, mourn their losses, give freely and truly want them to have all of the blessings you have and more.
What are you afraid of? Have you been able to overcome that fear?
I’m afraid of being disliked. Having an online forum I am faced with being disliked and being told about it. which was really difficult at first because I just felt like I needed to explain myself and convince them that I am likable. The more I found myself stressing about “them” the more I realized how ungrateful that was to all of my supporters. Now if a mean comment starts to get under my skin I take the time to respond to someone who wrote me something kind. It completely changes my mood and my perspective.
How has being a mother changed your perspective on life?
In pretty much every way! haha. The biggest change I think it changed is the way I feel about human life. It seems more magical and changed the way I look at other people. I guess once you see the way you love that child and how perfect they are to you it awakens the realization that everyone has a parent who sees them that way. Everyone has perfect parts and are lovable. It’s hard to explain but it just doubled my capacity for love and joy.
In all of the work you’ve done, specifically with women, what have you learned about them? About women in general?
That they are good. I think there is a lot of focus on women being catty or “drama” or this and that in our culture but that has not been my experience. I am constantly amazed at how strong and kind and good they are.
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Thank you for your very thoughtful and insightful questions which have brought thoughtful and insightful answers! I happen to know Cara personally and would like to say that she was born with the gift to see the best in people and help them to see the best in themselves. It’s as if, when she shows up, somebody turned on the lights and turned up the color and happy music begins to play in the background!! She is smart and creative and wonderful! Thank you for choosing her.
What a fun blog this is. Thank you for the work you are doing.
Thanks for reading it Nancy. You’ve raised some incredible kiddos.
Tif (Herpel) Hafen
Cara brought me here. Love you blog, you really are very thoughtful.
Fun article. Thanks for telling us more =)