Meet Randi.

A woman of extreme talent, Randi is a creator, photographer, skilled artist, and wonderful mother. Her Instagram account (@randigardner) is full of crisp lifestyle images, adventures, craft ideas, and expressions of her talent. I have been following her work for years now and I am continually inspired by her perspectives and views on life. She recently took a big (brave) step and decided to homeschool her children, to learn more about that, go to (after you’ve read her feature, of course.) Be sure to check out her blog, as well, it’s called Mama. You’ll be so glad you did. When I was I was taking her portrait, she had her sons pull out some of their homeschool projects, they loved showing me what fun they have learning. If every child had such personal experiences at school, this world would be different, in a good way. Please note, all photos in this feature were taken by Randi, except of course, the portrait of her (and isn’t she lovely?)
You recently started homeschooling your sons, tell us a little about why you chose to do that, and how is it going?
I recently made the decision to homeschool my children after attending a meeting where I was invited as a photographer to contribute images for the movement now called “Gathering Families.” ( I was there on business but the meeting quickly became personal. Listening to these other women express thoughts and concerns that sounded exactly like my own thoughts and concerns was surreal. The difference between me and those women though, was that they had a solution to their concerns and that was homeschooling. I have always kind of “danced to my own tune” and as an adolescent I often felt like school was such a “one size fits all” establishment. So, Homeschooling wasn’t a total stretch for me to consider – it was however very frightening to think I would be capable of teaching my children.
Making the decision to homeschool was hard. I thought, “what would people think? …I don’t want my children to be anti-social… am I smart enough to teach my children?” And now when I talk to people about my decision, it’s is still hard sometimes – because people are very passionate about education. However, when I think about what brought me to finally making the decision, I feel peace. The ultimate reason I made the decision to homeschool my children is not because I think I am smarter than teachers, not because I think public schools are evil (not yet at least,) not because I think it’s “cool or different.” I made the decision to homeschool because I got a prompting from the Holy Ghost and then I studied up, I talked with my husband, we weighed the pros & cons, then we prayed. In my prayers, I told my father in Heaven that I felt I should homeschool and that I wanted to go ahead with it. After praying, I got a resounding answer of reassurance and confidence. I did not feel scared or overwhelmed
anymore, I felt strong and able as a Mother and daughter of God to teach my children. How on earth could I NOT homeschool when I got an answer like that?
I am so excited to embark on this new adventure – teaching my children and growing closer as a family. The idea of my children getting to learn what THEY are interested in and being able to really take time to fine tune their individual talents just makes my heart happy. I know that the Savior will step in when I am feeling inadequate or overwhelmed or just plain tired. I know that counseling with the Lord will help me educate my children in the way THEY need it most.
Music seems to play an important role in your life, what is your favorite song, and why? Additionally, why do you think music is so important to you?
I am going through kind of a funny place with music right now. My taste has changed into what is appropriate for my children to listen to or things that keep my home feeling calm and pleasant. I’m a bit more sentimental, I’m a bit more silly, I’m a bit more uptight about language. (haha) I guess I love music so much because it has always been a part of my life. (Thanks dad!)
I love how I can hear “The Jungle Book” soundtrack and I am instantly taken back to my living room in Hurricane, Utah – dancing with my little sister. Or when I hear “Close to me” by the cure, I am back in the yellow house with my crayons & princess coloring books. Sometimes I will even hear a song and I have to call up my dad and ask him if he played it when I was a child because hearing it brought a memory back to life.
My favorite songs at this time in my life are the songs I sing to my children before bed every night. Some of my favorite songs to sing to them are: “Homeward Bound,” “My Own Home“, “La La Lu“, or “Golden Slumbers.” Kind of a weird mix but it describes my musical influences in a sense. I was raised listening to The Mormon Tabernacle Choir, lot’s of disney music, and a good amount of rock, indie, and alternative music. (I’m realizing how cool my childhood was in this moment.) I sure hope my children will remember their childhood with a beautiful soundtrack accompanying it and I hope they will find joy and comfort in music like I have.
If you could do anything today, what would it be? (without the worry of money, social norms, etc)
I am always thinking about this. I always think about how someday if I make it to heaven and have forever to live, I will be so glad to have the time and resources to do all the things I want to do. There is not one answer to this for me. If I could do it all, I would open a photography studio, teach art classes to children, open a flower shop, write a cookbook, record an album, manufacture my fabric book design, travel to all the places I want to (Australia, Paris, England, Jerusalem) meet and serve people of all walks of life, and even build a farmhouse and create a self-sustaining homestead.
I know I will be able to do all those things someday. I am more importantly working on living “in the now” and enjoying it for what it is because I know this time is so fleeting. Today, I am thankful to be building block towers, driving toy cars, reading stories, and singing songs with two perfect little humans.
Have you been able to overcome any long-instilled fears? If so, how?
I love the line in the New Cinderella movie;
“Perhaps the greatest risk any of us will ever take is to be seen for who we truly are.”
I made a commitment this year to be more honest with myself and others about who I am. No more letting Satan control my self-image, no more letting others determine my decisions, no more hiding behind my fears. Being honest about who I am has helped me admit my faults and come closer to the savior, it has helped me to be more happy in my relationships, it has helped me discover new things about myself and meet new people that I truly bond with. It feels good to be doing things that I feel are right according to my Heavenly Father’s will rather than getting distracted by social norms or expectations.
What are some hopes you have for your children?
My greatest hope for my children is for them to have a close relationship with the Savior Jesus Christ. I want my children to know they are children of God and that the Savior Jesus Christ Atoned for their sins so that they can return to Heavenly Father’s presence. And I of course want my children to know that they have a mom and a dad here that love them fiercely!