Meet Brad.

Coming in second to Nick Offerman (Ron Swanson – Parks & Recreation) Brad grows one incredible mustache, well he tends to grow one a year for Mustache Movember, but that isn’t really why we’re introducing you to him. He currently works as a set designer for Disneyland, recently finishing Frozenland at California Adventure. He is a also a great husband and father; and really someone you should know.
You’re a set designer, tell us a little about that. Why’d you become one? What is it like? I started to take classes to become an Architect, but I also love Art and Theatre, so when I found out that, being a scenic designer was a combination of my two favorite worlds I was sold! I read each script like a detective finding different clues. These clues written by the author give me the inspiration to create an environment that helps tell the story of the characters in the show.
What are some of your greatest achievements? (in work & personal life)
Getting married to my beautiful wife Ashley and having our son Henry have been my greatest personal achievements. Getting my Masters Degree from Cal State Fullerton and getting hired at Disneyland has definitely been some of my greatest career achievements.
You also acted in plays for some time, what was your favorite play to be apart of?
I have been apart of many wonderful shows, but my favorite was probably Tuacahn’s production of Les Miserables. I was just the carpenter for the theatre and they needed a male “swing” to learn and perform the roles of multiple supporting characters if someone was sick. I performed 4 different roles that summer and performing in that huge canyon with that huge set and huge audience was amazing.
Your hard work is often enjoyed by thousands of people, (ie Frozen in Disneyland) do you feel like you get the recognition you deserve? Or do you not think of it that way?
I do get recognition from my peers and leaders, which is very nice. Being apart of the creation and construction process is also very nice. The most rewarding experience is listening to the audiences reaction as they experience one of my productions for the first time.
What has been the happiest moment of your life so far?
Definitely the birth of my son Henry. I didn’t know that level of happiness existed.
When is the last time you truly felt brave?
Again, son’s birth, it is such a terrific and terrifying moment in life. I felt like I had to be brave for both of us. Ashley and I we very nervous going to the hospital, being new parents we had no idea what to expect. Not that we had a choice in the matter, but going head first into anything without knowing the outcome is my definition of bravery.
If you could do one thing, completely without the worry of money, what would you do?
I would start several different business, restaurants, inventions and stores. I have so many ideas that I would love to try, just to see which would be successful and which would flop.
How has being a father changed your perspective on life?
Fatherhood, still knocks me off my feet. I can’t get over the fact I helped create a life! The responsibility is overwhelming. The happiness is unmeasurable. I used to worry about my future, now I worry about his future.