Meet Savannah.

This girl is a modern day hippy. She’s so peaceful, so loving, and so free spirited. Her animals are her babies, her people. She is a person you feel immediately comfortable around, and that is a beautiful thing. She is a beautiful thing. Meet Savannah.
If money weren’t a factor, what is one thing you would do the next chance you had?
The next big project on my mind has been building an “Earth Ship” or a tiny house on wheels. A small home that has everything you need, but not much more. It would be built with solar panels to make it as self-sustaining as possible. I haven’t decided for sure on my ideal location, but that’s almost the best part of a tiny-home. I can pick up and move it to wherever I might desire.
You’re an animal lover, what has made you this way? If you’ve always been this way, why are you this way?
I am very much an animal lover. I grew up being allowed to only have rabbits and other small animals, because my dad is quite allergic to most animals. I was never allowed to have an inside animal. Now, I have three cats and two dogs. I might have over-done it a bit. Ha! I feel like they are intrinsically good at “living in the moment,” if you will. I also think animals are a strong source of pure love. My animals take very good care of me.
Do you believe people are innately good?
I believe we all have the “source of love” or “God” or whatever you may call it, in us, yes. But, I believe nature and nurture both play a large part in molding our brains to make us the different individuals we are. I do believe people start out pure and good, though, yes.
How do you find happiness in each day?
That definitely starts with a good cup of coffee. Lately I’ve been focusing on appreciating the little things. Like, laying in the sun, in my hammock, listening to the birds, watching the clouds. I’ve really been enjoying sitting on my roof with a good beer and watching the sun set at night. I’ve also been doing my best to focus on gratitude, as there will always be plenty of things to worry about. I’ve found life to be a lot less stressful when I’m focused on the many advantages I’ve been given versus my set-backs.
What is a life lesson you learned that has stuck with you?
I’m having a hard time thinking of a specific lesson, but one of the most important qualities to me is honesty. My parents were very good at instilling the importance of being truthful. Trust is so important in any and all relationships. I believe that you can never fully know yourself or others if you are not an honest person.