Meet Scott.

Whenever you are near Scott, you feel welcome. You are warmly welcomed into his life, as if you have known him forever, as if you are family. He has mastered the art of loving himself, and urges others to do the same. Scott challenges you, your beliefs, your feelings, your mindsets, but not in a negative way, in a way that opens your mind and heart not to new beliefs, feelings, or mindsets, but to what you already know. I admire this guy a whole lot, and I’m really so happy I get to share a bit of his goodness with you. If you’ve ever seen The Big Lebowski, think of The Dude. The Dude Abides in Scott.
What are some challenges you’ve had to overcome? How did you do it?
Having my father die. It put death right in front of me and I really started to understand what happens to a person when you die. Just by pondering death and interacting with my father after he passed was one of the coolest times in my life. I believe I got to know my dad more after he passed and I got to free myself of the fear of death. Death is one of the most beautiful things and should be celebrated. I believe my father dying was one of the best gifts he could have given me.
Do you believe people are innately good?
Yes. Every person isn’t good or bad. There is no such thing as a bad person. We are here to explore and learn through experience and some people are curious about negative things so they look to experience those things.
What are some things you hope your kids have instilled within them when they Are all grown up?
To love every living thing that exists and to learn that the mastery of yourself is the mastery of the world. When you go within and get to know yourself then there isn’t anything different with the outside world. We are all one. We are the world.
How have you found joy in the journey of life?
By loving myself. The only way that joy can be attained for me is to realize that if there is ever anything I hate, then I am the only person suffering by experiencing the disconnection that is hate. So it’s a part of me that I dislike and that thing outside myself is just giving me an opportunity to experience what’s inside me or how I feel about things. Once I know that all I have to do is choose love. Then joy follows.
You’re a healer, in a sense, how have you found that energy and health are one in the same?
We are energy, emotion is energy in motion and everything that matters to us has emotion attached to it, whether we love it or hate it. So when we hate something we feel crappy or negative and that is literally a lower vibration, that’s why we have classic sayings like “I had a heart wrenching experience” or “I have a pit in my stomach” what’s happening is we are noticing our negative vibration and if we engage in it we can allow our bodies to master feeling that emotion and allowing it to flow through us. Much like our immune systems do with disease. They master the illness that they heal and every time it comes around it stores information on how it healed us until eventually we become immune, which is the worst word because you aren’t immune I anything. Your body just understands that disease so well that it processes through your body so fast that you don’t have any physical symptoms. The same happens with emotion. Our bodies weren’t designed to die or deteriorate. We decide all of that.
Why are you so funny? (how did you come to be that way?)
Haha. I grew up in a house of eight children and being the middle child you acquire a certain taste for attention. Don’t we all? Also I like to enjoy the world with laughter. Being goofy and dorky makes it real easy to enjoy the world.
You are welcoming and generous, did your parents influence you to be that way?
I believe we are all family. So if I can help another person out I usually jump at the chance. But I always check with my heart first and ask if this something I know to do. “Follow your heart kid and you’ll never go wrong.” From the movie The Sandlot. Sometimes I’m not generous. 🙂
Is it important for you to establish new friendships as you get older?
I believe people come into your life at just the right moment, and if you can be besties with yourself then the people around you are all your friends.
I sure do love that Scott (Boris)