Meet Matt.

Have you ever met anyone who works for Pixar? If you haven’t, today is your chance. I am SO excited for you to meet Matt. He is the most genuine and exceptionally kind person, I was fortunate to spend some time with Matt at Pixar in San Francisco this summer, and it was truly a joy. Anyway, the first few questions were asked by our good friend Chris, who you may remember from a past feature. The last few were asked by me. This is a little longer than our average feature, but I thought you wouldn’t mind. Matt has helped design characters for Brave, Ratatouille, and a couple of animated shorts, he is currently working on some really great projects, too! (I don’t know if I’m allowed to say…). Meet Matt now!
How would you describe an average day at Pixar (if such a thing exists)?
An average day for me. Hmmm. I draw a bunch of ideas for what ever character is in the works. I try to gather reference for it, so I have a good knowledge, and ‘feel’ for the character. I meet often with directors, and other artists for feed back. I have working sessions with people who are building the computer model for what ever characters have moved on past the design phase. And if possible I will try to go on a bike ride during the lunch hour. It’s a pretty ridiculous job really.
Pixar has a reputation for their high standards when it comes to new hires. What are the most common attributes and habits (creatively or otherwise) of those who find and keep employment at Pixar?
I don’t know a answer for this. I feel like the artists here all have their own personal passions and artistic goals, and projects. I hope that they hire unique minds. It seems to be the case.
How did you come to work for Pixar? What was your experience like starting out?
I was hired after finishing an internship following graduation from CalArts in Valencia CA. I was an animator for 2 years, maybe 3. I strived hard to move into the art dept. because I did not like working on the computer very much. Thank goodness that happened, I feel very lucky about it. I really enjoy using traditional tools.
How collaborative is the average project at Pixar? Does everyone participate as the story evolves and grows, or is it mostly dictated by the directors/writers/etc.?
I guess, but can’t prove, that animation film making is the most collaborative art form in existence. The story mostly is worked out among the director and the story crew as far as I know, but everyone puts in their notes and can have a voice.
How old were you when you knew you wanted to be an animator? What made you realize it?
I was in 3rd grade or so when I thought it’d be fun to be an animator. I understood you could wear shorts to work if you felt like it, and you could make your drawings come to life. That seemed like it would be heaven. I loved to draw, and I loved thinking about stories, animation seemed a great way to do both.
How has being a father changed your perspective on the purpose of life?
Being a father has made it clear that having a job drawing all day, and wearing shorts all over the place is secondary in importance to just having a way to keep the little kids alive and providing a way for them to enjoy their childhood. I would be fine providing this in any way now.
When you commune with nature, on your biking adventures, do you find yourself inspired? How does nature correlate with your character design?
I feel grateful when I’m outside. I am grateful to be part of the living, and the observant. Observation is what fuels any idea I ever had, or have.
Do you ever think about how your job is many peoples dream job?How does that affect the way you perform?
I’m pretty sure I think of my lucky position every day. I never fully expected to actually be doing something like this- and I live with the expectation that it could end at any time. I know there many people who would, and could do what i’m doing. It effects me in that i always try to give others opportunities to participate, and I really try to do my best work. And I am honest.
Do you ever find yourself doing character sketches that resemble people you know?
I hope so, I try to pull from people and things I know all of the time. More of how a person may ‘feel’ to me emotionally, than how they ‘look’.
What has been the proudest moment of your life, so far?
I don’t know. But lately I’m proud of my boys, they seem to be very creative in their choices of how they want to spend their time. Not so much TV, or computer devices- they like playing outside and making stuff. If I had even an ounce of responsibility for that, I’d be proud of that.
If you could offer one piece of advice to a group of strangers, what would that be?
I would say look at all the sunsets you can. and look at the night sky as much as you can. but I realize that is self serving, arrogant advice because it is advice I’d give me. It’s like saying- “do what I do because what I do is so romantic and deep”. SO- even though that is true, I still think it’s good advice. In general then, I’d say to look at the stuff that YOU find amazing as much as you can. And that could be anything. It will help your art.
If you could only teach your kids 5 things, and only 5, what would they be?
Man this question is so heavy, it almost turns me sarcastic. I become sarcastic when I feel fear. But I’ll do my best not to be. I guess here is where I steal from scripture.
1- If there is anything virtuous, lovely, of good report, or praiseworthy- seek after it.
2- Believe all things and hope all things.
3- Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
4- Be grateful
5-Look for beauty in everything, even everything.