Meet Alexa.

This pretty lady is well known in the blogging community, for good reason, she is DELIGHTFUL! She has the cutest little family. She is a brilliant graphic designer, photographer, and the loveliest little mama. There is so much that could be said about her, but when I met with her for her portrait, she made me feel like I was her long lost best friend, she is so warm, so happy, and so sweet. I can’t even name all of the positive attributes she has, it would be overwhelming to you- the reader! I’ve rounded up a few links that will direct you to what she is all about. First and far most, her blog, He and I. Next, her beautiful design shop on Etsy. Her Instafeed is always super uplifting too. I hope you’re excited to meet her.
Why is it important for you to continue to build new friendships as you grow up?
I think it’s essential to have a support system in each stage of life! Growing up, it was easy to make friends at school. I saw them every day, we had similar schedules, activities, and hobbies. Now as an adult, I’m realizing its a bit harder to make and stay close with friends, as we are all in different stages. No matter how “hard” it is, it’s such a blessing (and well worth the effort) to have someone to call and chat, meet up at the park, eat straight out of the ice cream tub, or exchange babysitting with. 😉
Tell us about your designs, what inspires your work, the colors you choose, etc.?
Designing is one of my favorite pastimes, now turned into a business. I find myself inspired everywhere I go. I find myself taking photos of color palettes on the billboards we are passing on the freeway, stashing away hundreds of magazine clippings with amazing fonts, and studying menus even longer because I love their ingenious design. Its a blessing and a curse, really. I’m inspired by so many things, but it tends to make me late for just about everything. 😉
How does raising a child change/challenge your perspective on how you were raised, and how you want your children to think of you?
The first week after bringing Ellie home from the hospital, I told Brian there was no way she was ever going to leave the house, go on dates, or do anything even a little bit dangerous. I was only joking (slightly), but I surprised myself with these feelings of intense over-protectiveness. I’m slowly starting to understand why my parents gave my a curfew, waited up till I was home safe, and were always worried. I’m constantly thinking, “I’m turning into my mother!” which, if you know my mom, that’s a good thing! I hope my children think of me the way I think of my parents. My parents taught us with love and compassion, listened and gave advice when asked, made family and God a priority, and always took the time to have fun with us.
How do you find joy in the journey of life?
I think about this question a lot. I believe that finding joy in this life depends on ones attitude and beliefs. As a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, I believe in a loving Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ, and life after death, to name a few. Knowing that makes me happy! However, I still have my own trials and struggles, just like every one else. That’s where I get to choose. I can choose to be miserable and throw myself daily pity parties. Or, I can choose to be grateful and choose a better attitude. Having an optimistic attitude makes the difference.
What advice would you offer an up and coming blogger, who wants to be successful and known?
My advice? It takes time and hard work! I know, nobody wants to hear that, but in most cases its true! All great things take time. There are many ways to make your blog successful. Always remember to stay true to you! You are an original and can offer so many unique ideas and views. Don’t lose yourself trying to be like somebody else who you view more successful. You are wonderful and fabulous, yes, you! Be true to you, no matter how many page views, likes, or followers you have.Take time to research and learn. I have learned a lot by reading articles on html, photography, blogging tips, and social media. I have also found this blogging e-course to be extremely beneficial, for long time bloggers or amateur bloggers. And, as my mother always told us, “Strive to be worth knowing, not well known.”
What are you afraid of? Have you been able to overcome that fear?
Snakes! And no I have not even come close to overcoming that fear. 😉 I also have a fear of failure. I’ve learned through experiences and through my business that it’s much better to just try! I was scared to blog because I was afraid no one would read it. I was afraid to open up a shop because I thought no one would like my designs. I’m so glad I didn’t succumb to that fear as both have been major blessings. I have been able to support my family through my business and have made many good friends through the blogging community. I’m slowly learning that it’s better to try and fail, than to never try and wonder what might have been.
Amazing story. This is a fabulous post!! I love that last line “it’s better to try and fail, than to never try and wonder what might have been”