Meet Roger.

Roger is a kind man who is a friend to everyone he meets. He is a hardworking individual who displays a great deal of passion for his work, and compassion for the people in his life. He is a good father, a talented woodworker, and an incredible teacher. As the beautiful Amy said “You could search the whole wide world and still never find such genuine loving people as the Durst Family.” Please take a few minutes to get to know Roger, you’ll be glad you did.
How have you found joy in the journey of life?
To be grateful each day for what I have, especially the small things. I find the more things I’m grateful for the happier I am.
How has woodworking helped you commune with nature?
Woodworking has made me realize that Heavenly Father has given us so many things to appreciate.
What are some of your favorite things?
Other than my family, my favorite things are in a cabinet of small drawers that use to hold nuts and bolts in my dad’s workshop. Before that it was in the drug store he worked at as a pharmacist. It is now in our family room. These drawers hold pins, magnets, toys, rocks and other mementos from places I’ve been or people I’ve met. When I look at them I am reminded of those times. I also really like Christine’s lemon meringue pie.
When did you last feel brave?
The last time I felt brave was when I got a flu shot, because I hate needles!!!!
What is the first life lesson you remember learning?
When I was a young man my first job was at a restaurant supply store. One of my jobs was to clean the used equipment that came in from restaurants that had gone out of business. These pieces were always very greasy and disgusting. One day I was complaining to my mother about how I disliked cleaning up other people’s messes. Instead of feeling sorry for me like I thought she would. She told me to quit complaining and be thankful I had a job. She also told me no matter how bad the job I should do my best because everyone knows who’s doing it. When you do a job it’s like signing your name to it. I always remembered that so I try to do a good job.
What makes you, you?
If you could offer advice to us, what would it be? Is it advice from a learned experience or something someone once shared with you?
Sam has taught me to always be positive. If anyone could have a bad attitude it could be him but he doesn’t. Every day when he gets up he asks, “What are we doing today”? Every night he wants to know what is going to happen the next day. He also takes great joy is the small things in life. It really doesn’t take much to make us happy if we just take time to look at the world around us.
He is and has always been such an example to us. We love him, Christine and Sam so dearly. You could search the whole wide world and still never find such genuine loving people as the Durst Family. It is an honor and a privilege to count them among our blessings.
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