Meet Katie.

Katie is one of those women who oozes with talent. She is humble and kind. She is a delightful person to be around. She is a brilliant photographer, and if you ever want to see what someone who has truly embraced “natural” light does, check her out. She’s amazing. Here is her website and her Facebook page. Also, if you want to get some seriously good interior design tips, she’s real good. She is also a wonderful mother! You truly can’t help be inspired by her work, and the person she is. I’m excited for you to meet her!
Where do you find inspiration?
My greatest inspiration is found in the things that make up my little world. I find it in my energetic two year old and that way he vivaciously lives life. I find it in the little town I live in, the place I was born and raised! Being able to raise my children in the house my father was raised in and making it our own. I find inspiration in nature, the changing of the seasons; blossoms, green mountains, ombre leaves, and freshly fallen snow. It’s the little things as I drive around that catch my eye! I also find inspiration through the people I work with. My passion is photographing who a person is and the relationships they have. They inspire me!
What is the first life lesson you remember learning?
Always include everyone and make them feel important. Don’t leave people out, but more so, be a friend to everyone and be a good one. My mom taught me that lesson very early on in life and it’s something that has really impacted me to this day!
What do you think it takes to truly love one another?
I believe it takes a lot of patience, compromise, giving someone 100% of yourself, quality time together, and focusing on the little things in life. I think the key ingredient is selflessness. I also think it’s something that takes nourishment and work. It takes acts of kindness and service, saying your sorry when you mess up, being forgiving yourself, and the willingness in your heart to love.
What have you learned most about people since starting your business?
People like to feel good about themselves and they like to be treated well! That is something I can do for my clients and I try to create a positive experience that accomplishes both of those things. Pleasing them brings me great satisfaction, especially when I hear from them how much they love their photos and they are thankful to me. I am thankful to them for allowing me to peek into their lives and their relationships and document what they have! It’s so special for me to do that. Making them feel good always makes me feel good. Any way I can accomplish that, I try to!
How have you found Joy in life?
I have joy in my life, because of the choices I’ve made that allow me to feel that way. Big decisions and every day decisions, I am able to choose joy. I find it in the little things in life! My husband slaving over a sink of dirty dishes after a long day, the way the morning light peeks through my backyard trees, snuggles and wrestles with my energetic boy, happy hour at Sonic for a Diet Coke run, afternoon drives with a sleeping baby in my backseat, quiet moments in my day spent on my knees in prayer or studying the scriptures. Those little day-to-day moments make up the my life and when I am focusing on them, I am happy. I have found joy by choosing joy and I have to chose that each and every day!