Meet Lindsey.

This stunning woman has been my best buckaroo for so many wonderful years. It’s been fun to see her grow into the delightful woman she is today. She recently became a mother, and has been placed in the role meant for her. She’s amazing at it. Lindsey is one of my most favorite, cherished, best friends, and I feel like I’m sharing someone real treasured with you. Take a moment to get to know her.
How has motherhood changed you?
Motherhood has changed me in ways I never imagined. It has tested my strength and patience but has also shown me how strong I can be, both physically and mentally. It has made me a less selfish person in an often very self world. And most of all, it has shown me the power of love and how the love you can have for someone can change your outlook on life. It has sort of made me see the world again through fresh eyes. I try to focus on the beauty in everything so that my baby boy picks up on those things instead of all the negative that is out there.
Do you have a secret to always looking so beautiful? Because seriously. You glow from the inside out.
You’re sweet, Tif. I definitely don’t see myself this way but I think the secret to anyone being beautiful is feeling confident in yourself. Beauty comes from within.
Do you believe people are innately good?
I think most people have good intentions. Those intentions may not come across as good to some but I think most everyone is just doing the best they can given their circumstances.
How have you found joy in the journey of life?
My family brings me the greatest joy but before I had a family of my own, I learned that I had to love myself before I could truly love someone else. And when I learned that, I realized that life is worth celebrating everyday!
What is a life lesson you remember learning as a kid?
If you eat the crust of your sandwich, your hair will grow! Since I had really crappy, scraggly hair as a kid I always ate my crust with that lesson in the back of my mind.
What are some things you hope to instill in your child(ren) as they grow older?
I want my children to be good people. I want them to be happy and accepting and a light in a world full of so much darkness. I hope they are confident in themselves and their abilities. And I want them to always be polite, kind, and compassionate.
Where do you find inspiration?
I find inspiration through pretty much anything. From seeing something on tv, to imagining something out of no where as I am falling asleep. Inspiration can be found in the most mundane places, it’s all about how you look at the situation.
What do you think it takes to truly love another?
I think it takes a lot of things. It takes trust, honesty, loyalty, patience, acceptance, and humility. We can love someone without one or all of those things but to truly love someone with the deepest part of yourself, i think it takes all of those things and more.
Beautiful, inside and out. What a wonderful friend to have. Thanks for sharing!