Meet Chantel.

Chantel is an exceptional mother of two, an avid reader, and is always up in current affairs. She graduated from BYU with a Bachelors of Arts in Communications, with an emphasis in Broadcast Journalism. Along with that, she is a great friend, a lovely woman, and a wonderful example to everyone she meets. I believe everyone should know who she is, and be edified by her goodness and soul. Take a moment now, and get to know her.
What are some things you love to do?
I love being outdoors, especially on a hike or a campout. I love cuddling on the couch with my husband watching a movie when the kids are asleep. I love to travel. I wish we could go all the time. I love love love Harry Potter. I’ve read it so many times I think I can answer any random question and theory about the books. Lately I’ve been into family history. I love finding stories and new information and it’s a very rewarding hobby to have. I created a book last Christmas about some of Austin’s ancestors. I plan on doing one for my family next.
Why do you believe it’s important to be current with news?
It’s a little daunting to see that many people today can’t answer questions about what is going on locally, or nationally, or halfway around the world. People are more concerned how many likes their pictures are getting on Facebook or reading the Buzzfeed article on how “you won’t believe what happened when this dude dived into a shark tank!” I think it’s really dangerous for a society to not be informed, especially when they choose not to be informed. I went into journalism because I wanted to help people understand that they can make a huge difference just by knowing what is going on in their community. They can help stop a criminal, or save a life, or even cry out to Congress if needs be. My two-year-old knows that when the clock says twelve it’s Mommy’s turn to watch her show. He will sit and watch with me, and I’m fine with that. It’s important to teach our children the responsibility they have to help make a better world, and to do so they need to be aware of events, rights, and other’s beliefs or opinions. That is more important than being up to date on the latest trending article flirting around on social media.
How has being a mother changed the person you are, and once hoped to become?
I’ve definitely learned a lot more about being patient and selfless ever since I became a mom. I had always wanted to become a mother, but I had no idea how much of myself I had to be willing to give up. I remember having an internal struggle of wanting to go further in schooling, specifically into meteorology and getting a possible job as a news producer. I am glad I made the choice to be a stay at home mother. Some days-mainly when I have two crying kids on my lap because one bit the other-I wonder what my life would’ve been like. Of course when things calm down I immediately retract those feelings because I know that this is what I’m supposed to be doing, and I love it. I’ve definitely grown in so many ways, and I hope I can teach my children to become good examples and make good choices. While there are many out there who do a fabulous job at both working and being a mother, I am glad I have the opportunity to stay with Brenton and Archer 24/7. For that I have to thank my husband’s willingness to single-handedly carry on the working responsibility so I can be at home with these kiddos.
Are you happy and satisfied with where your life is today?
Yes and no. Yes because I love being a mother and a wife. I love being at home dancing with my boy around the house and playing cars and listening to my four month old giggle. I love being a wife to the most wonderful and humble and hilarious guy on earth. I love that we do everything together; we challenge each other to be better and to try new things and that we also can make it through trials together. Going to China last summer was a huge growth experience for both of us, giving us confidence in ourselves and in each other.
I also say no, but I don’t mean that to be misleading that I am not happy with life. I am. Immensely. There are things out there that I want to try that would be beneficial to me and my family, and the only way I’m going to experience those things is making the choice to do them. I want to write articles, learn to sew, plant a garden, do more family history, get in shape, and learn how to re-purpose furniture with my husband. Each thing can help me reach some sort of potential, but I guess the tricky part is figuring out how to prioritize it all. Which things can be put on the back burner for now and just patiently wait for the right time (maybe even for years)? What things do I feel are important enough to start making time for? Am I willing to put my foot out and actually start doing instead of just thinking and wishing about it and seeing it all pass by? I’ve been contemplating this for some time.
If you had 5 things to teach your children, and only 5, what would those be?
1.) Stay close to your loving Father in Heaven. Knowing this means you always have someone who will love you no matter what, and He will help you get through anything.
2.) Your parents love you. We are here for everything and anything you need. Everything we do is for your well-being.
3.) Be Clean. Physically and spiritually. You always feel and do your best when there isn’t something there to distract or weigh you down. People will respect you for that.
4.) Be humble. Never ever think you are better than someone else. Be willing to help others at any time, and never think that material things or praise from others means happiness and joy.
5.) Be Smart. Read books. Go places. Try new things. Learn how to work hard. All of these will give you strength, experience, confidence, and friends.
I love this blog, and how it unites the human race! Beautiful!