Meet Nishelle.

Nishelle is a ball of sunshine, she’s an elementary educator, a crafter, a mother, and a saint. She is one of most loving people I know, and now you get a little piece of who she is.
You are an incredibly charitable and loving person, is this something that was learned, instilled, or just a part of who you are?
I think it’s a little of both. We all have traits that are naturally a part of us, but we nourish the ones that are most important to us. I just love people. I love listening to them, being around them, and drinking in their goodness. I also know that a need I have is to be connected to people. So, being charitable and loving people fills my love bucket. It’s a win-win situation 🙂
What are some of your favorite things?
Since then I’ve found a plethora of things I love. But, at the top of my list is being read to. Growing up, I really struggled with reading. Miraculously it is still one of my favorite things to do. I wholeheartedly attribute that to my mum. She saw that sounding out every word caused me to miss the beauty of the stories. So, she read out loud to me to help me fall in love with books. It was my one-on-one time with her. I would snuggle into her arms and together we’d explore hundreds of stories and chat about what we read.
Even now, nothing can make my heart melt more than to have someone read to me…like my husband. Reading aloud has brought us closer together. I think seeing someone’s emotional reactions and thoughts to a story help you understand their inner heart. Plus, it combines two of my favorite things: being with the people I love and reading :).
Do you believe people are innately good?
I’m not sure if my belief that everyone is innately good is a reality or just something I choose to believe to help me get through life. I choose to believe in the goodness of the other person’s heart. I choose to not jump to conclusions about their actions. Don’t get me wrong, there are hardened people out there, but why focus on the bad when there is so much good to be seen. The world is a lot more enjoyable when you focus on it’s goodness.
Where do you find inspiration?
I find inspiration in other people. As I come to understand someone’s life, I find hidden treasures that inspire at least one aspect of my life. When someone opens their heart, I can’t help but be inspired by their journey: who they were, how they became who they are now, and who they are striving to become.
What is the first life lesson you remember learning?
I can’t remember the situation, but my dad’s response is what has stuck with me. He said, “Nishelle, I don’t care what everyone else is doing. I care about what you are doing.” I realized for the first time that I should not measure myself based on other people. Their actions, standards, or goals should not define me. I was in charge of my future. I needed to set my own expectations and work towards those.
What do you think it takes to truly love one another?
A forgiving, teachable heart.
How has being a mother changed your perspective on the purpose of life?
I feel like I understand God’s love for us a little better. Giving birth to my son, was no easy feat. With something that hard I’d typically say, “I’m grateful for what I learned, but I’d never do that again.” And yet, when they placed him in my arms and he looking up at me with his clear blue eyes, I knew I’d do it all over again if just for that moment. Had I forgotten the pain? No, I was feeling every stitch of it, but I was filled with so much love for him that all the pain didn’t matter. My entire heart was filled with love for the person in my arms.
I used to think that the purpose of life was about my personal progression to get back to God. I now see life as the journey for us to learn how to help each other progress to God. Although my job is to help my son develop, he is helping to shape and refine me day by day.
Such an amazing lady. I look up to her so much! Love her!!