Meet Bert.

Bert is the owner and founder of Smith & Edwards – a 4 acre general store in North Ogden. (The store has been open and running for 67 years.) He is a patriotic man, who is a firm believer in the importance of the U.S. Constitution. If visiting him at his store, you’ll see his office space glittered with pictures of Christ and images of our founding fathers and he’ll tell you the importance of hard work. You’re lucky to have this little snippet of Bert. Take a minute to be inspired by him, and check out that Bolo tie!
Do you think establishing and building new friendships/relationships is important at any age?
Of course, your friendships at any age are important because throughout your life, you are surrounded by friends and others who are attracted to you and you to them. If you attract bad friends, you polarize towards them. Or vice versa.
Do you believe people are innately good?
Yes, everyone was born with the light of Christ; it is inherent from the pre-existence. Those who strive to feel the spirit find pleasure in being close to that spirit; those who rebel or are defiant move away from that light or spirit.
What is something you wish you could do but aren’t brave enough to do?
Can’t think of anything that I wasn’t brave enough to do, I spoke out when no one else would.
What is the first life lesson you remember learning?
Tiny things from my youth/childhood like learning that God answers your prayers. Once I lost my favorite pocketknife in the grain field. My sister and I knelt down and prayed, got up, walked a few steps and found it. I also learned that it was often turmoil to be good and kind, that it was more fun to be rebellious and follow the gang, like when you’re little kids, it’s fun to tip over the outhouse for a Halloween prank. It was the most fun when someone was in it!
What are your talents?
I am a practical engineer; I can see a building in my mind and then instruct others in how to build it. One of my talents is a natural like for people. I love people until they prove themselves to be an absolute bum.
What is one experience you’ve had that you often share with others?
I have learned that economics isn’t a big mystery. This is the formula that I often share with others: buy for one, sell for two, never pay interest unless it’s something you’re going to sell, anything you keep – house, car, or furniture – has to be paid for with money you have. Finally get right with the Lord and he’ll be right with you.
What makes you, you?
I very seldom have to ask someone what to do but I seek the guidance of the Holy Spirit daily. I go to the foot of the bed for answers every day.
If you could offer advice to us, what would it be? Is it advice from a learned experience or something someone once shared with you?
What kind of advice are you asking for? To be happy? To be wealthy? (Then go to work, for starters!) If you want to know how to be happy, my advice is to be with the people you love best, associate with good people always, be humble enough to seek spiritual direction, love God first, love your fellowmen second. Don’t try to be something you’re not.
Thank you for including Bert in your project, Tiffy! Aren’t his answers priceless? Reading them made my love and respect for him grow so much. I’m lucky to have him as part of my family.
thank you for introducing him to us, Stephie. he is a wonderful man who deserves to be known. loved his answers! what a testament they are to me of faith. love you.
It is a privilege to know this good man.