Meet Amy.

Amy is a devoted wife and mother, and one of the hardest working people I know. She shows love to everyone she meets. I’ve never been so impressed with how a mother treats her children, we can all learn a lot from her. She radiates goodness and exemplifies Christ. She is wonderful.
What do you think it takes to truly love one another?
A whole lot of selflessness! You should really know the needs, the desires and the inner most feelings of those you love and know what you can do to protect them. The fairy tales have a way of making “love” sound so blissful, so perfect and so easy, riding off into the sunset without a care in the world. I think for me, true love is work. It is a promise that you will be there through the hardest of times. It means you will be forgiving, patient and respectful. We all come to this earth with our own little souls and our own set of imperfections. I think it is so important to love the whole person not just their shining attributes. Truly loving one another is rejoicing in their victories, mourning with them through their sorrows, lifting them when they have fallen, laughing with them (laugher and having fun together is so essential) and wanting to be present each and every day of their lives. In my life experiences, I have learned the hard way what can happen if you think only of yourself. When we are young, it is so easy to be selfish and worried about our own needs and desires. For me, I am the happiest when I am doing all I can to protect the happiness of those I love. That is where I find my own happiness.
Where do you find inspiration?
I find inspiration in so many things. The older I get, the more I see. It can be as simple as a beautiful day, snuggling with one my children, laughing with my husband, a really good book, a tender testimony or talk, a kind deed, an unexpected compliment, my daughter’s strength, my son’s tender heart, a call from my dad just because he was thinking of me, a card from my Grandma who seems to never forget a single loved one, a quote that speaks to my soul, a story of love, a friend who just simply knows I need her, a long walk, or a laugh that makes my belly hurt. I could really go on forever. I guess for me is it so important that I am always aware of what is around me. My life is constantly filled with little and wonderful miracles and I try really hard to never let one slip by.
When your kids leave home, how do you hope they speak of you? What do you want them to tell their friends about their mom?
You know, I have been really blessed with some amazing kids. They have made my life an awesome adventure. I really feel that we are each other’s best friends and that they know no matter what I am there to support and love them. I guess I would hope they would always speak of me as someone in their lives they can count on for anything and everything and share the love we have for each other. I would hope they would always be respectful and caring when speaking of me. I am a funny mom and sometimes can do funny things and almost always never intentionally. I am not a comedian but rather, a bit of a goof. I know they share these funny moments with their friends and hopefully it is more endearing than anything else. I hope they think of me as a fun and adventurous mom. Someone they would not be embarrassed by. But also, it is important that they know of my values, convictions and my expectations of them. I hope that I have instilled in each of my children the importance of speaking kindly of those they love. Family is everything and it is our responsibility to lift each other up, always!
How have you found Joy in life?
I have been so blessed with Joy. There have been times in my life where it was very hard for me to find joy. I think that is probably true for so many of us. We all experience our own set of struggles and trials and darkness can make it really hard to find joy. However, the one thing that has always brought joy to my life has been my testimony in a loving Heavenly Father and a perfect Savior. I know without this testimony, my life would not have true joy. I have overcome some really hard times in my life by simply holding on to this faith as best I could. Our trials have a way of making us feel very alone and scared. I am not sure how I would have overcome them without knowing of my Savior’s sacrifice and love for me and that he knew exactly how I felt. I am grateful every day for my faith and hope and pray I will never take it for granted. Because of this faith in a greater plan, a greater purpose, I can truly appreciate so many blessings in my life. I am a wife to an amazing man who really loves me despite my many imperfections. He is fun, thoughtful and unconditional in his love. I am a mother to two incredible children. They are and will continue to change this world for the better and I take great joy in getting to witness this every day of my life. I am daughter, a sister, an aunt and a friend and with each of these roles, I find great joy. I have been blessed with so many truly amazing relationships. The people in my life are my joy. These are the things that bring me the most sincere joy in my life.
If you could offer one bit of advice to a complete stranger, what would that be?
Slow down and really enjoy your life. Laugh as much as possible. Look for ways to inspire those around you. Be happy in what you have. Be grateful and gracious. Find your own style. Don’t be afraid to stand out. Be respectful and caring and take care of the people who love you. Never discount the power of kindness.
Do you believe building friendships [at any age] is important?
Absolutely! The power of friendship can be the best medicine for any ailment and better than any therapy. I don’t think we ever get too old to make new friends. For me, every single friend I am so blessed to have is among some of my greatest treasures. For me, my friends are simply an extension of my family. They have inspired me to be better, have picked me up when I have not been able to get up, they have laughed with me and brought me so much happiness. They are there even when I least expect it. The older I become the more valuable they are to me. Many of my most grand adventures have been with really good friends. My life story would be extremely dull without them and their unique beauty. They will forever be what paints my life so colorful! So yes, building friendships, whether you are 10, 25, 40 or 80, is of the utmost importance.
What is your favorite song?
I have so many favorite songs but if I were to narrow it to just one I would have to say “What a Wonderful World” by Louis Armstrong. No matter what may be happening in my life, this song speaks to my soul. I love Louis and that amazing voice of his. I love the meaning behind this song. Makes me want to slow down, take a look around and just breathe in all the good that is around me.
Tif -Thank you for thinking so much of me to include me in this glorious project of yours. You are such a talented and inspiring friend. I am so very honored by all of this. Love you!!
thank you for being a part of this Amy Beth! I love you!
What a beautiful article about a beautiful person. Amy was one of my best childhood friends, I have so many special memories that include her. She is a wonderful example to us all.
She really is, I feel truly blessed to know her.
Dear Amy, you are one of a kind sweet friend! This is so fun. Beautiful. Love u!
Thank you for taking the time to read this!
Shannon, Tiff and Laurie, thank you so much! It means so much to me coming from three amazing women like yourselves. Shannon, I really cannot think of too many childhood memories that did not include you. Oh the fun we had! What would I have ever done without your influence in my life? You are such a beautiful lady with a sweet family! Laurie, you sincerely made my college years unforgettable. You were patience, kind and loving to me even during times when I didn’t deserve it! Not only that, you were outrageously fun and contagious! Now to see you with your own children, I am just blown away my beautiful, talented. amazing friend!! Tiff, if there is any doubt in your power to move people, please know that this whole project has inspired many. I have looked forward to each new person you share with us and am so impressed with your ability to see into the souls of those you find. I feel like I really know them and it is so refreshing to know of so many beautiful people in this world. You are talented, thoughtful and simply inspiring! I love you all!!!
Oh Amy, you truly are a blessing to those of us who are blessed to call you family. Love you!
Love you too Thauna. You know you will always be one of my favorites cuz. Such an amazing lady you are.
Love every part of this! I feel like Tif could embroyder each sentence and put it on a wall because it’s worthy of that. 🙂 Thanks for reminding me to look for the happiness in every day life!
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