Meet Chris.

Chris is a wonderfully talented musician, who is well rounded and delightfully funny. He is the frontman in the band We are the Strike, and works at a company called Refinement Records (they are a one stop shop for musicians.) If you want to hear his music We are the Strike is playing at The Riverwoods in Provo on January 24th. You can check out their facebook page here. This is their website. Their music is also available in iTunes. He is really a great guy to know, here is a little tiny piece of him.
You’re a really funny guy, what is the funniest memory/story you have/know?
I don’t know that I’m that funny. A funny memory that comes to mind is an early one. I was about 5 years old and my family and I were making the summer trek from Los Angeles to Orem UT to visit my Grandma in our Town and Country mini van. At the time I really liked Jeeps because I liked the idea of driving with no roof or side walls on the vehicle. I was sitting by the van’s sliding door and the thought occurred to me that I should open the door because it would be just like driving in a Jeep. After an hour of contemplating whether or not I should do it, my 5-year old mind decided that it was a wise choice and I opened the door driving 80mph on the I-15 in Bakersfield. My mom naturally freaked out, slammed on the brakes, and chased me from the drivers seat all the way to the back of the van to spank me. At the time I was wearing those thick Osh Kosh boys jeans with the elastic waist. My mom new it wouldn’t hurt if she spanked me with my Osh Kosh’s on so she spanked me on the 15 butt naked on the free way.
What helped you overcome stage fright? Or, is that not something you’ve had? If not, what helps you feel confident on stage?
I can remember being nervous to perform when I was younger. I still get a little nervous before performance but it’s more of an energy than a nervousness. I think it’s just like anything else, the more you do it, the more confident you are that you will succeed at it. I usually take a second or two before shows to “get in character” so-to-speak. Kind of amp myself and transform into somebody else if that makes sense
What musicians have inspired you the most? Do you feel yourself channelling their talents when you share yours?
The musicians that inspire me are those who have been able to reach a wide, popular audience while maintaining the skill of musicianship in their craft. My hero is Stevie Wonder because musicians and casual listeners alike can appreciate his work. Billy Joel is another one I really looked up to. Those guys didn’t cut corners on any aspect. Everything from the musicality to the chord choices to the melodies to their ability to perform the music is perfect. I don’t know that I try to channel them as much as I try to continue their tradition of putting the musicality in accessible popular music.
How do you find joy in the journey (of life)?
Great question. I think as I’ve gotten older I’ve LEARNED how to be happier. The operative in the previous sentence being LEARN. Just like everyone else I have had times in my life that were filled with thoughts of despair or depression. Times when I thought I was worthless or didn’t have as much value as… (fill in the blank). Those are very natural thoughts, but they can be overcome. I can remember a specific moment in my earlier twenties where I realized that every moment in that state of mind was a serious waste of time. I resolved that I would NOT allow myself to self-pity or waste another minute with feelings void of optimism or joy. Since that time I have literally forced myself to have positive thought patterns. I think overtime the mind will learn how to prefer optimism and happiness over grief and depression. I hope that’s not too far out there but I think one can teach themselves to have a more optimistic mind set by pure determination.
What do you want people to know about you, if they don’t know you (or if they do)?
Going back to the previous question, I think I want people to know that I’m not the person who I portray on stage or even around large groups of people on a social level. I think both as a person and a performer I can come across as loud and incredibly self-assured when the reality is that I’m trying to figure life out just like everyone else. I have my insecurities, my points of pride, my highs and my lows. I think it’s good to look at other people and realize that they are likely having a very similar human experience to you despite what one may think.