Meet Mason.

Mason is an extremely talented musician, and in the band Polytype. He became a father on 12/3. He is one of the kindest people you will ever meet, and the worlds greatest friend. If you want to hear his amazing talent go here. Or find them on their Facebook page.
What is the first life lesson you remember learning?
The first life lesson I remember learning was that I shouldn’t hit people. Hitting is bad. No hitting.
Do you believe people are innately good?
I hope people are innately good. I make a conscious effort in my interactions with others to assume that they have pure hearts. I think that makes it easier to connect.
You’re a man of many talents, what is a talent you have that people would be surprised to know you have?
I don’t consider myself to be “a man of many talents”, but thank you. I have a few passions in life, but whether or not I have talent regarding those passions is in the eye of the beholder. One person might think I’m a talented basketball player, but another could think I’m garbage. So I can’t really say what talents I have or how those talents might surprise somebody. But if anyone decides to get to know me, I’m sure they’d discover some unexpected things.
What are your favorite things?
These are a few of my favorite things:
People (especially my wife and family). Music. Basketball.
How do you feel your best of friends would describe you if someone you didn’t know, was asking?
I hope they would describe me as a happy, kind and loyal person.
What drives your passions?
There’s definitely a feeling I get when I do something I love. When I write a new song that I’m stoked on or play a good game of basketball, there’s definitely a moment of euphoria that keeps me coming back for more.
I guess a less romantic way of saying it is that I’m driven by chemical reactions in my head.