Meet Neal.

Neal is a local firefighter and in the paramedic program. Not only does he save lives on a regular basis but he is also a triathlete, dad, and a local business owner.
You are an everyday superman, do you feel like you have to be brave to save peoples lives and achieve what you do?
I don’t think I do anything that another person wouldn’t do in the same situation. I think there is a fine line between bravery and stupidity, it’s more important to be self aware and know where you stand. Through training I have learned how to do my job and stay safe.
What type of business do you own? Why did you choose this profession?
I have owned a couple of businesses over the years. A general construction company and a landscape company. My Dad was a general contractor so I grew up in the trades, so it just seemed right to continue on in that same field. I have also built and sold a landscape install and maintenance company.
You’re a dad, what are some of the most important lessons you can teach your children?
LISTEN TO YOUR MOTHER!!! I will always be there for them. Triumphs or failures don’t matter, just do your best and don’t be so afraid of disappointment that you never try. It’s never to late to get an education, at 36 I’m still in college.
Is it important for you to establish new friendships?
My wife is embarrassed to go in public with me because I think everybody wants to be my friend, so I talk to everybody. I try to make a new friend every day. So, yes it’s very important for me to establish new friendships.
Do you have a life “theme” or “motto”?
If I had to choose a single motto for life it would probably be “leave people happier than you found them!’ I think laughter is the best medicine, and I try to make people laugh as often as possible
Who is your role model? Why?
I have three role models. My father and two brothers; who have always set an example for me to follow. They are the hardest working, most giving, smartest people I know. I hope to be half the man they are some day.