Meet Kiri.

Kiri is a genuinely good person. She has a heart bigger than her body, and she is really quite good at sharing that heart with the people around her. Kiri believes in supporting small companies and often features them on her blog. She has many pursuits and she is constantly in service to others; she has her own nonprofit organization to support a family in China, in hopes that the children will have limitless opportunities in life. Be sure to check out to support the cause and to fill your soul with a constant of Kiri, follow her blog.
You love people. It’s apparent in all that you do. Is there something that kind of set that off? Or has it been instilled in you, your whole life?
I think I have just always loved people. I love to hear their stories, to help them, to learn from them, to watch them. People are amazing creatures and I find myself in awe of them quite often. We are all capable of so much goodness, and so much surprise. I love to watch as someone comes alive and the chain reaction begins. Goodness radiates from people, I totally embrace and need that.
Who was your favorite teacher? Why?
My favourite teacher was my seventh grade math teacher. I hate math. But by the end of the year, I wanted to teach it, he was so good. He was so unbelievably passionate about his career. He loved his work, he loved watching kids succeed, and he loved to share his secret of successful teaching with everyone. I didn’t see that in many other teachers, as sad as that is. Perhaps because of that, he helped instill within me a love for passion – and for people living with passion.
What is the first life lesson you remember learning?
I’m sure it wasn’t my first, but I remember the exact moment when I realized who and what i wanted to be. The moment was so profound for me, it’s the first one I think of. I was sitting on my bed making a list of all the characteristic I found in myself, ones I found in the Saviour, and ones I wish I had. At that moment I realized it wasn’t so much about me, but about Him. And that if I could try harder to model my life by his example – my life would be happier, and others would be happier. My two ultimate goals here in life. For a while, I did change my life around and I was so content and proud of what I was creating myself to be. Eventually though, life folded in on me again and I lost sight of that goal, but the memory is still alive. And the desire to set my life as a beacon for Him is still lit.
What is one experience you’ve had that you often share with others?
Perhaps one of my favourite memories is Christmas caroling with my high school choir at the Children’s Hospital in Salt Lake City. We sang the most beautiful rendition of O Holy Night – and the spirit was so strong. When the men sang “Fall on your knees, oh hear the angel voices” my heart burst and my knees buckled. The power of the spirit of music, and the healing I felt we were bringing to all the ears listening was intense. I love that memory with all of my heart. Music heals, talents provide, and hearts are meant to be connected. Also, Christmas music rocks.
What makes you, you?
Ah, such a very good question. My husband would say nothing, because defining yourself limits yourself. But I’ve always liked the thought of knowing what sets me different. Though I’m timid to say anything finitely I would wish to say my belief in the world, and in my purpose on this earth. I believe in everyone I meet, and I hope that never changes. And despite all my mistakes, frailties, and depressions – I believe in myself too. I think I have the ability to do great things. We all do. And I live off of that faith.
Tell me some of your favorite things.
Rain drops on roses, and whiskers on kittens…
haha, just kidding…
I love sitting underneath a Christmas tree that is lit with white lights, and pondering all of life’s beauties.
I love fall time, and wearing big ugly socks.
I love summer time, and lounging by the pool for hours on end.
I love to travel, to find myself in a place I never knew existed.
I love my husband of five months, and the way he keeps me strong.
I love doing rash things without much thought.
and I love redemption.
I love redemption too. I like this girl. She’s beautiful… Thanks for featuring her.
Isn’t she lovely? She’s so humble, too. She really doesn’t give herself enough credit.