Meet Drew.

Drew Danburry is truly an incredible individual. I’ve tried to type up several different ways to introduce him, but I fear they don’t do well to sum up his talent and greatness. So, from his biography on I snagged this:
Drew Danburry is a singer-songwriter who played live shows around the world and released records independently from 2002-2010. In 2011, he opened the Danburry Barber Shop in downtown Provo, Utah.
He currently works full time as a barber but still records and releases music.
From the year 2005 to 2010, he played over 750 shows worldwide. He has received attention from blogs and websites such as NPR, Stereogum, Daytrotter, Magnet Magazine, Said the Gramophone, Large Hearted Boy, Orange Alert, Heave Media, Pete Nema, The 405, Apes on Tape, The Music Ninja, TRT! (The Round Table) The Bomber Jacket, and even Design Mom.
Before you die you want to:
See the Northern Lights
What makes you different from another person your age, gender, etc?
I don’t know how to answer this question and wouldn’t particularly feel comfortable trying to. I am who I am. Not only do I try not to marginalize or define myself but I definitely don’t try to sell myself to anyone. I could care less what people think, so when asked to specify what makes me stand out I generally don’t know how to respond…perhaps my height makes me stand out? I’m pretty tall.
Do you think people are innately good?
I go back and forth, but for the most part I like to think so yes. Sometimes good intentions accompanied with ignorance can be just as damaging as bad intentions though.
What is something you wish you could do but aren’t brave enough to do?
Nothing. I do what I want and don’t wish for anything or fear doing anything I want to do.
Who is your person?
my wife Lynette
What is one experience you’ve had that you often share with others?
I try to have a lot of experiences to access in conversation, I guess it depends on the topic of conversation.
What makes you, you?
genetical code combined with the influence of my experiences and my perception of those life experiences.
Some of your favorite things:
My wife. My son. My job. My hobbies. My wife’s cooking. Skateboarding. Photography. Film (cinematic and photographic). Music. I like a lot of things.
Why did you choose your profession?
Because I needed to do something rather than nothing.
Who was your favorite teacher? Why? (does not need to be a formal educator.)
I couldn’t pick just one person. I think everyone has a time and place that matches where I was at in life and how well I was able to understand their thoughts and ideas.
Is it important for you to establish new friendships as you get older?
Nope. But I’m open to pretty much everyone that treats me like a human being.
What is the coolest shape you’ve ever seen in a cloud?
I’ve seen some pretty cool human faces in clouds.
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Drew Danburry has a show at The Velour on September 27th. Don’t miss out on seeing him perform, he’s exceptional.
& Dudes, he’s a legit barber.